Mitigating Misinformation: Resources for Health Care Providers
A group of leading health organizations working as the Mitigating Medical Misinformation Work Group commissioned research to address medical misinformation.
National Forum on Best Practices to Address Health Misinformation: Healthcare Readiness and Response
The growing influence of misinformation and disinformation on health outcomes in the United States is not new but is being brought to the forefront as an urgent issue.
Surprisingly newsworthy elements
The following research elements are newsworthy to reporters, apart from the actual research finding.
Science Writing: Guidelines And Guidance
Carl Zimmer is a popular science writer, blogger, columnist, and journalist who specializes in the topics of evolution, parasites, and heredity. On his website, he provides notes for a class he has taught at Yale called “Writing about Science, Medicine, and the Environment.”
The “Message Box”: A tool for crafting your message
Since 1999, COMPASS has supported over 10,000 scientists to communicate about their work. The “Message Box” is one of their most popular tools – a cornerstone of the whole program.
Getting Started in Science Journalism
This link contains a subset of those resources, with a focus on what’s most relevant to people who are getting started in science journalism.
Interview Series on Trust in Health Care
Trust in Crises and Crises in Trust; Climates of Distrust in Medicine, How Inadequate Responses to Medical Mishaps Erode Trust in American Medicine, and When Artists Go to Work: On the Ethics of Engaging the Arts in Public Health
New to science writing (resources)
ASW offers a wide array of resources to the science writing community, many of which do not require NASW membership. They have a special section dedicated to people new to the craft!
AAAS Communication Toolkit
A website called EurekAlert gives journalists access to the latest scientific studies – and to press releases that science writers have written on those studies – before publication.
EurekAlert! News Releases
A website called EurekAlert gives journalists access to the latest scientific studies – and to press releases that science writers have written on those studies – before publication.