Science Writing: Guidelines And Guidance

Carl Zimmer is a popular science writer, blogger, columnist, and journalist who specializes in the topics of evolution, parasites, and heredity. On his website, he provides notes for a class he has taught at Yale called “Writing about Science, Medicine, and the Environment.”

Interview Series on Trust in Health Care

Trust in Crises and Crises in Trust; Climates of Distrust in Medicine, How Inadequate Responses to Medical Mishaps Erode Trust in American Medicine, and When Artists Go to Work: On the Ethics of Engaging the Arts in Public Health

New to science writing (resources)

ASW offers a wide array of resources to the science writing community, many of which do not require NASW membership. They have a special section dedicated to people new to the craft!

AAAS Communication Toolkit

A website called EurekAlert gives journalists access to the latest scientific studies – and to press releases that science writers have written on those studies – before publication.

EurekAlert! News Releases

A website called EurekAlert gives journalists access to the latest scientific studies – and to press releases that science writers have written on those studies – before publication.