Coalition Advisor

Callie Kalny


Callie Kalny is the Uncertainty resource theme advisor for the month of November. She is currently a PhD candidate in the School of Communication at Northwestern University where she co-directs the Center for Media Psychology & Social Influence (COM-PSI) Lab alongside Dr. Nathan Walter. Her research centers around one central question: in what ways and for what reasons does the media we consume shape our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors? Focusing specifically on contexts related to health and science, Callie studies the effects of uncertainty on decision making, the influence of emotion and affect on information processing, and the psychological mechanisms that help facilitate narrative persuasion. Her overarching research goal is to contribute to the development of communication tools and interventions that improve decision-making and promote the uptake of prosocial attitudes and behaviors.

In addition to research, Callie is also a graduate assistant in the Research Communication Training Program (RCTP) at Northwestern, a workshop series for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers designed to develop and enhance science communication skills across a wide variety of research disciplines. Callie holds a B.A. in Communication Studies from Mercer University and an M.A. in Communication from Wake Forest University.